
Invisalign Aligner in Kolhapur

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Invisalign Aligner

When you think about teeth straightening or fixing teeth alignment, the first treatment you think about is braces treatment. Braces have metal wires and brackets that might not look good, especially if you are a working adult. Invisalign is the best alternative to braces in such cases. Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are customised clear trays made of plastic.

Are invisible braces more effective than traditional braces?

The effectiveness of Invisalign varies based on the condition of your teeth. If you have small gaps or alignment issues, then Invisalign can help. But for severe alignment problems, braces are recommended. It is always better to consult your dentist as they will be able to suggest what will work best for you based on your teeth.

How long can invisible braces last for any person?

Invisible braces treatment can be completed in as little as six months for some cases or treating minor dental problems. The average treatment length using these braces is about 12 to 18 months, but it also depends on each patient.

What are the advantages of Invisalign over braces treatment?

  • Invisalign aligners are transparent. This means no one will know that you are wearing them.
  • You can take out your aligner before having meals. That means no dietary restrictions.
  • Aligners are easy to maintain and clean.
  • No complications while brushing and flossing your teeth.

How does Invisalign treatment work?

Invisalign aligners work by shifting your teeth by exerting pressure on them and moving them till the teeth reach their position. During your treatment, you will get a new set of trays every 1-2 weeks, according to your dentist. Every aligner will shift your teeth a little by little until teeth reach their desired position.

Is Invisalign treatment expensive?

Invisalign treatment can cost more than braces treatment. But the cost is nothing compared to the ease of use and maintenance. And in addition, Invisalign is almost invisible.

What precautions should we take while wearing Invisalign?

Invisalign is easy to use and does not need any special care. The only things to keep in mind are

  • Remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything.
  • Brush your teeth before wearing the aligners.
  • Clean your aligners every time you remove them.
  • Wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day to get the best results.

If you want to have a beautiful smile without the metal wires and brackets, Invisalign aligners are the best option. Infinite smilesdental clinic is the first certified center for Invisalign aligners in the Kolhapur area. Book an appointment with our experts today.